Promyelocytic leukemia and brain bleeding: A look beyond the obvious. Case report

Leucemia promielocítica y sangrado cerebral: una mirada más allá de lo evidente. Reporte de caso

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Kelly Johana Paz Amador
María Alexandra Perez Sotelo
Alexander Reyes Lobo
Norma Barajas
Sara Marcela Gonzalez Amador

Cerebral cavernous malformations are usually asymptomatic, however, in some cases they can cause headache, seizures, focal neurological signs, and spontaneous intraparenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhages. Cavernous malformations are anomalous capillary cavities, abnormally dilated and surrounded by a thin layer of abnormal endothelium, located within the nervous tissue but independent of it. It is an unusual clinical-radiological finding, even more so, in children and with other comorbidities such as promyelocytic leukemia, whose association, to date, has not been described in the literature. Clinical case: we describe the case of a teenage patient, with a diagnosis of promyelocytic leukemia and cerebral bleeding associated with cavernomatosis. Diagnostic and management guidelines are proposed regarding the case. Conclussion: Today, with the availability of new and better diagnostic methods, it is possible to make more precise clinical approaches that will impact the survival of patients with diseases that require complex management.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Kelly Johana Paz Amador, Hospital Internacional de Colombia - HIC. Bogotá, Colombia

Hematóloga y Oncóloga Pediatra, Hospital Internacional de Colombia

María Alexandra Perez Sotelo, Hospital Internacional de Colombia - HIC. Bogotá, Colombia

Hematóloga y Oncóloga Pediatra, Hospital Internacional de Colombia.

Alexander Reyes Lobo, Hospital Internacional de Colombia - HIC. Bogotá, Colombia

Médico, Radiólogo, Hospital Internacional de Colombia.

Norma Barajas, Hospital Internacional de Colombia - HIC. Bogotá, Colombia

Médica, Pediatra, Neuropediatra, Hospital Internacional de Colombia.

Sara Marcela Gonzalez Amador, Organizacion Keralty

Médica general, Organización Keralty.


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