Identification of emotional and social needs and access to health services of patients diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Colombia

Identificación de necesidades emocionales, sociales y de acceso a los servicios de salud de los pacientes diagnosticados con Leucemia Mieloide Crónica en Colombia

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Yolima Méndez-Camacho
Mónica Giraldo-Castaño
María Fernanda Rocha

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia represents between 15-20% of all leukemia, being a chronic disease, the effects of treatment do not only affect patients but also their lifestyle. Objective: To identify the emotional, social and health care needs of patients diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Colombia from the perspective of patients. Methods: A transversal descriptive study was carried out, with Colombian patients diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Structured interview and focus group were used as gathering techniques. Results: 19% of patients reported not having presented symptoms, 30% arrived at their diagnosis in an incidental way, 25% of patients were misdiagnoses, 69% of patients agreed to the diagnosis after 2 months after the presence of symptoms.  Once treatment began, it was found that 102 patients reported having suspended the medication for non-medical reasons, among which the delay in the delivery of medication predominated. In terms of emotional needs, 59% of patients expressed a predominance of positive emotions and 63% recognize that the disease has impacted their life, 33% positively and 25% negatively. Conclusions: Conclusions Patients with CML in Colombia report frequent delays in authorizations, as well as in the dispensation of medications, which are presented largely in the subsidized regime, which affects the opportunity in their treatment and therefore the adequate control of their disease. On an emotional and social level, it is necessary to provide psychological support for the patient and his/her family at the time of diagnosis.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Yolima Méndez-Camacho, Fundación Colombiana de Leucemia y Linfoma

Psicóloga Universidad de la Sabana. Fundadora y Presidenta de la Fundación Colombiana de Leucemia y Linfoma

Mónica Giraldo-Castaño, Fundación Colombiana de Leucemia y Linfoma

Psicóloga, Magister en Psicología Clínica. Miembro Grupo de Investigación.

María Fernanda Rocha, Fundación Colombiana de Leucemia y Linfoma

Psicóloga Universidad Externado de Colombia. Coordinadora Programa de Apoyo a Paciente Adulto – Fundación Colombiana de Leucemia y Linfoma.


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