Measurable residual disease in hematological pathologies. Expert consensus. Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología (ACHO) - 2024

Enfermedad residual medible en patologías hematológicas. Consenso de expertos, Asociación Colombiana de Hematología y Oncología - 2024

Main Article Content

Rocío Orduz
Javier Rendón
Martha Romero
Sandra Quijano-Gómez
Isabella Caicedo-Ortiz
Liliana Moreno
Roberto Jaramillo
Cristian David Quintero-Múnera
Vanessa Santiago-Pacheco
Elda Graciela Vélez-Colmenares
Andrea Naranjo
Jorge García-Vera
Nhora María Silva-Pérez
Catalina Franco-Álzate
Wendy Nieto
Alexandra Moreno-Aguirre
Virginia Abello
Paola Omaña
Claudia Sosa
Kenny Gálvez
Carlos Alberto Castro

The hematolymphoid neoplasms are considered to be of high cost and have an impact on quality of life, for this reason the use of diagnostic and tests for follow-up such as Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) continues to be a tool to determine prognoses, considering new technologies and the importance of standardizing processing. Objective: To structure a series of considerations by common agreement of experts about Measurable Residual Disease in 5 hematological pathologies, in the Colombian context. Methods: A formal consensus of experts, mixed (Delphi/Nominal), was made from 23 context questions related to Measurable Residual Disease in 5 hematological pathologies. 2 qualifying rounds and a virtual nominal meeting were held. The information was analyzed in STATA 13. Results: 23 questions related to the diagnosis of Measurable Residual Disease in 5 hematological pathologies were constructed in the context of its use in Colombia. 17 health professionals (pathology and bacteriology) experts in Measurable Residual Disease by flow cytometry from Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Bucaramanga, Cartagena, Rionegro, Barranquilla and Cúcuta participated and it was leading by the Colombian Association of Hematology and Oncology (ACHO). Conclusions: 23 considerations were defined to guide the use of flow cytometry for Measurable Residual Disease in 5 hematological pathologies, as well as to make a diagnosis of the context of this test in Colombia. Finally, this consensus aims to standardize this technique as well standardize clinical conducts between hemato-oncologists hoping to improve the decisions that are taken because this measurement in order to improve health´s patients.




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Author Biographies (SEE)

Rocío Orduz, Laboratorio Clínico y de Patología


Javier Rendón, Ayudas Diagnósticas SURA.


Martha Romero, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia.


Sandra Quijano-Gómez, Pontifical Xavierian University

Bacterióloga MSc. Ph.D

Isabella Caicedo-Ortiz, Clínica Imbanaco, Cali, Colombia.


Roberto Jaramillo, Laboratorio Continental, Barranquilla, Colombia.


Cristian David Quintero-Múnera, Synlab Colombia, Medellín, Colombia


Vanessa Santiago-Pacheco, University of Antioquia


Elda Graciela Vélez-Colmenares, Unidad Hemato-Oncológica Especializada IPS, Cúcuta, Colombia.


Andrea Naranjo, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología


Jorge García-Vera, Laboratorio Higuera Escalante


Nhora María Silva-Pérez, Fundación Valle del Lili


Catalina Franco-Álzate, Laboratorio Clínico Hematológico.


Diana Lozano, Clínica Somer


Wendy Nieto, Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia


Alexandra Moreno-Aguirre


Virginia Abello, Centro de Tratamiento e Investigación sobre Cáncer – CTIC


Paola Omaña, Centro de Tratamiento e Investigación sobre Cáncer – CTIC


Claudia Sosa, Clínica FOSCAL. Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB).


Kenny Gálvez, Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe


Carlos Alberto Castro, Soluciones Integrales para la Investigación y la Educación en Salud SAS

Médico, epidemiólogo.


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