Hematological implications of covid 19 infection: importance of early decision making in patient´s prognosis
Implicaciones hematológicas de infección por COVID19: importancia de toma de decisiones tempranas con respecto al curso pronóstico
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In December 2019, a disease caused by Coronavirus (COVID 19) was identified. This infectious disease is associated with the development of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). The first case occurred in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province, China. On January 30, 2020. The WHO declared it a public health emergency. On February 14th-2020, thousands of infections and associated deaths were identified, changing their status from emergency to pandemic. From this date until present, a great number of publications, research, as well as economic and human resources have been directed towards this pandemic in order to win a race against time, in which thousands of lives are lost every day, impacting the different axes both at a social, psychological and economic level.
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